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Peter Bremers Presentation

Monday, December 19, 2016 7:30 PM Stonegate Clubhouse 11551 E. Mountain View Rd. Scottsdale, AZ

Arizona Glass Alliance is very proudly hosting a presentation by the internationally known glass sculptor Peter Bremers. Originally from Holland, Peter now divides his time between his native land and our own Sedona. Peter’s sculptures are a monument to nature, and many of his most celebrated works reflect the majesty of icebergs or the desert landscape, as well as other forms such as human figures and abstract shapes. Peter’s work is a very successful blending of shape, color, light and interior construction to create unique pieces that are instantly recognizable as a “Peter Bremers”.

Peter is represented by major galleries such as Habatat and Schantz, and his work can be found in museums around the world such as Holland, Germany, Denmark, Spain and the United States. In addition, Peter has done commission work for such diverse clients as the Queen Mary, the University of Amsterdam, and the well known Murano Hotel in Tacoma. An image of one of Peter’s recent sculptures, Structure I 2016, is shown above. For more information about Peter please refer to his website,

Please be aware that Stonegate only holds 50 people, so be sure to get your reservation in early to assure your spot. Email Fred Schomer to rsvp.

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