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We support the art of studio glass.


The Arizona Glass Alliance (AGA) promotes the knowledge, appreciation and support of studio art made from glass. Our mission is to create opportunities to educate our members and the public about studio art glass and artists. We explore, define and undertake outreach in support of our vision. We educate the public about and expose them to glass art by supporting programs, events, discussions and general learning by artists, teaching entities, cultural institutions and community initiatives.


As such:

  • Proposals requesting support that is aligned with the organization’s mission will be accepted year-round;

  • Preference will be given to applicant(s) based in Arizona;

  • Preference will be given to AGA members or those willing to join; and

  • AGA invites the recipient(s) to give at least one talk, within a year of the grant award, about what they accomplished with the funds.


Grant Applications should be emailed as an attachment to Arizona Glass Alliance Grant Chair.

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