Sunday, January 14, 2024
7:00 PM
Scottsdale Ranch Clubhouse 10585 N. 100th St.
Scottsdale, AZ
On Sunday evening, January 14, Arizona Glass Alliance will host a presentation by the noted glass and mixed media artist and educator Patrick Martin. Patrick received his MFA from Tulane University and has taught at Tulane, Pilchuck and in New Zealand. Presently Patrick is a Professor of Art at Centre College in Kentucky in addition to his independent artist practice.
Patrick uses his work to comment on current political and social-economic issues, while at the same time creating interplay between form, space and content. His work is both interesting from a content point of view, while at the same time pleasing to the eye. For example, the sandals below contain an image of former President George Bush, and are a commentary on the United States’ treatment of prisoners at Guantanamo Bay.