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Alexis Silk Presentation

Monday, February 26, 2018 7:30 PM Scottsdale Ranch Clubhouse 10585 N. 100th St. Scottsdale, AZ

On Monday evening, February 26, Arizona Glass Alliance will host a presentation by glass sculptor Alexis Silk.  Those of you who have been to SOFA (the major art show in Chicago) will have seen Alexis’ work on display there, as well as galleries in the US and abroad.

Alexis is known in particular for her free-hand sculpted figures, and she describes her work this way: “Aesthetically and conceptually, the source of my inspiration is all around me.  The human figure in its many forms is a window on and connection to our humanity (and our divinity).  In my hanging figure series, I address objectification of the body by hanging glass torsos on industrial steel hooks.  Cast iron ‘meat’ hooks are a visceral comment on exploitation of the body.  Steel frames represent the conceptual boxes of perception within which society confines us.  My winged figure series came to exist because of personal changes in my life.  I’ve fallen in love and it feels like growing wings.  These pieces reflect my personal growth; it feels like learning to fly.  Finally, in my newest series, I am enjoying the expressive potential of heads, faces and hands. While still celebrating human connection with nature, in these forms I begin to explore more subtle expressions of character and emotion.”

To see images of Alexis’ work and to learn more about her take a look at her website,

Alexis Silk

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